Dr. G.J. Munn, is an accredited physicist
and theorist in the fields of particle physics, elecrogravitics, geomagnetics, spin-wave theory, aether, electomagnetics,
and more. Although
involved in scientific research for many years, his professional backgroundinitiated in 1996. At that time he teamed up with Dr. R.E.F., a notable and esteemed physicist, who
holds numerous doctorates in the fields of nuclear/atomic energy, chemistry, metallurgy, & geology in the US and abroad..After working on quasi-governmental civilian projects, his work was recognized as formidable
and useful for more specialized purposes. After being sponsored for additional technical development of his inventions/methodologies,
Dr. Munn recieved his full doctorate in physics through a special accelerated advancement program in his university studies.
This was based particularly on his classified patents work in applied particle physics, electrogravitics, and
geomagnetics..Dr. Munn's specialized talents are also
in the fields of stealth identification of hidden objects on a molecular level, zero-point vacuum energy devices (alternate
energy sources), applied antigravitic mechanisms and theory, undecipherable encryption systems..... and a host of other projects
..... His work continues not only in the R & D of over-unity alternate energy sources and physics theoretics, but also
as an active consultant on numerous independent quasi-military and civilian projects, mainly, a classified highly specialized precious metals operation in CA. He also holds board memberships in various scientific and
humanitarian organizations, such as, The Angels Human Trust in the US, and abroad, as founder and chancellor of the esteemed
and diversified Hammel Blundt Institute in Garching (near Munich), Germany. . . Carpe Diem