Dr. G J Munn is an accredited
physicist and theorist in the fields of particle physics, electrogravitics, geomagnetics, spin-wave theory, aether dynamics,
energy dynamics, spin-wave resonance and more..Although involved in scientific research for many years, his professional backgroundinitiated in 1996. At that time he teamed up with Dr. Robert Finch, a notable andesteemed physicist, who holds numerous doctorates in the fields of nuclear energy,chemistry, metallurgy, and geology in the US and abroad..After working on quasi-governmental civilian
projects, his work was recognized asformidable and useful for more specialized purposes. After being sponsored foradditional
technical development of his inventions/methodologies andadvancement
of his studies, he received a science doctorate for his workin applied particle physics and geomagnetics. Dr. Munn's specializedtalents are in the fields of zero-point
super efficient energy-savingdevices
and a host of other projects.....His work continues, not only in the R & D of over-unity alternate energysources, but also as a consultant on numerous independent quasi-militaryand specialized civilian projects - and of course, as the Director of Projectsand Chairman of the Board for The INTELLEK FOUNDATION.