With all our "assured" technology to prevent such a thing from happening...the USA defenses aren't worth a PISS! WE DIDN'T EVEN KNOW IT WAS THERE - UNTIL IT FIRED
A MISSILE! (fortunately, it was only a warning - and aimed away from the US).Meanwhile, all the MILLIONS and BILLIONS of your taxed dollars are being diverted to black op" projects and the militarization of forces...
not necessarily to protect you.... but
are actually being manipulated to take complete control over you !...YOUR ACTUALLY PAYING FOR YOUR OWN DOOM - AND ENSLAVEMENT !.The
last thing standing between the "elete's" takeover.... is your right to bear arms... THAT'S RIGHT !.. Our constitutional
forefathers knew that it was a last safeguard standing between the citizenry and a TYRANNICAL GOVERNMENT.... WHICH
UP !
........... What?....You think the Chinese have only one nuclear submarine?

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